
16/04/2010 12:34

Place? :

Q1: Do you like your vacation there?

Q2: Do you recommend other people to visit there in future?
Highly recommend

Q3: How long was your trip?
2 Day 1 night (more than enough)
Q4: Which flight did you used?
Ryanair- No problem, Barajas airport is jusr near to the city, plus just eu2 ticket each to the city centre. Duration from Airport-city centre +-15-20 mins. Very efficient but just a bit busy.
Q5: When did you went there? What would you recommend the perfect time to visit?
Spring- Summer would be better + weekend because there are sales at Mayor Plaza
Q6: Where did you stay there? Are you recommending others to stay there as well? How much is the cost to stay there
We stay around Calle Sordano, north side (easy to cover north area), but if you want faster access, better to stay around Sol. It is the tourist attraction area (originally we book there, but the hotel transfer us to new hotel) The accomodation is cheap, cost us eu30 for 1 night for a couple.
Q7: Any halal restaurant/grocerie s nearby?

Q8: Interesting places you visited there? You can also state other places that you admire but you dont have enough time to go there. You can also state the chronology of you trip.

Q9: Any advise on the transportation there? Rambler ticket etc.

Q10: Any other recommendation/ issue to share?

Malaysian Postgraduate Student in Ireland MyPSI