

15/04/2010 17:24
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Assalamualaikum WBT dan Salam Satu Malaysia Saudara/i yang dikasihi sekalian, saya ingin mengajak saudara dan saudari untuk meningkatkan kesyukuran kita kepada Yang Maha Esa selain memperbaiki serta merancakkan usaha kita untuk mendekatkan diri kita...


12/09/2009 14:50
'In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Surely, We sent down the Quran during the Night of Decree. How would you know what the Night of Decree is?   Therein descends angelsand the Spirit by the command of their Lord with their Lord's decree concerning every matter. It is all peace,...

Rewards of Fasting

12/09/2009 14:48
Every act of goodness is rewarded. Rewards are given based on the sincerity of the intention. Fasting is the only worship about which Allah has said that He Himself is the reward for it. This means that one develops such a close relationship with Allah that Allah Himself becomes the helper.  ...

Malaysian Postgraduate Student in Ireland MyPSI